Eko, Bilim, Sürdürülebilir Gelecek Yarışması

Katılımcı Şartları: Başvuru Tarihleri: Yerelde 2. ve 3. olan katılımcılarımıza özel hediyeler verilecektir. Birinci olan katılımcımız ise proje kapsamında uluslararası yarışmada yer alma şansı yakalayacak ve ona özel uluslararası sürpriz hediyeler kazanacaktır. İstekli öğrenciler aşağıda verilen linkte açılan formu doldurarak yarışmaya katılabileceklerdir. Hazırlanan proje videoları en geç 18 Eylül 2024 tarihinde info@eurasiavision.eu adresine eposta olarak…

Open Project

In today’s world, being good with technology and speaking English well is really important for work and social life (The Economist 2021). But because of the global outbreak, people haven’t been able to interact much (EU School Net 2021). We need new ways for people to communicate and work together so they can be more…


The main objective of this project is to integrate social dimensions into agri-climate change adaptations on local level.Climate change is already and will progressively impact people’s daily lives in terms of work and livelihoods, health, housing,water, food security and nutrition. This project aims to involve the farmers from the local communities in the identification ofthe…


“CONTRIBUTE” is a project for young people’s education, aiming at training 100 young people by implementing urban gardens to increase their knowledge of sustainable urbanism and social entrepreneurship. It will provide training accessibility on the topics of sustainable urbanism and environmental sustainability, increase target groups’ entrepreneurial skills, and raise their awareness of designing and practising…

Green Youth

“Green Youth” is a project focusing on providing necessary skills and online tools to youth (14 18) to equip them with the competencies and eventually empower to be more environmentally aware. The use of non-formal education methodology will support the creation of modern, accessible, and engaging materials to guide both youth and youth workers on…


We develop a transnationally useful, interdisciplinary applicable basis for education on climate change on a sufficiently detailed, country specific, target group oriented and scientifically funded level for schools of all types with age focus 10-14. Wi-Mi aims to incorporate STEAM in climate change, deploying Community Science Projects (CSP) to fight against climate change effectively, inclusively,…